Tuesday, January 9, 2018

GoPro launches Karma Grip for 299

GoPro has launched the Karma Grip. Previously available as part of the Karma drone kit, the Karma Grip can now be purchased separately as an accessory to any of the compatible GoPro you might have or plan to buy.

The Karma Grip is a motorized gimbal mount designed specifically for select GoPro cameras. The camera mounts in the harness and charges through the grip. You can also transfer data from the camera to a PC without removing it from the mount.

The main use of this, as the name suggests, is to stabilize the video. GoPro cameras have electronic image stabilization built-in but it’s no match for a motorized gimbal that can significantly smooth out camera shake giving it a more professional look. The grip can be handhel d or attached to something.

The Karma Grip is compatible with Hero 5 Black directly and needs a separate harness for the Hero 4 Black/Silver and the upcoming Hero Session 5. It’s priced at $299.99 and available from select stores and GoPro website.

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! ( hope useful)

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