Saturday, January 13, 2018

HTC is celebrating 20 years of innovation

HTC has made a new video today, and this one doesnt have anything to do with the U11, believe it or not. No, this time around the Taiwanese company isnt interested in promoting its latest smartphone. Its up to something else entirely.

Namely, it wants us to know that its turning 20. Well technically its turned 20 this past Monday. Yes, HTC was founded on May 15, 1997. So now that its finally got out of its teen years, it reveals that its been "pursuing brilliance" for two decades, but is also looking forward to whats to come.

HTC created the first publicly available Android smartphone, the G1 (a.k.a. Dream), and for a long while it was among the top sellers in the space. The company has seen its fair share of troubles (havi ng to do with low sales levels) recently, so perhaps the new U series of devices unveiled this year - the U11, U Ultra, and U Play - will help it overcome those issues. Well have to wait and see.


! ( hope useful)

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