Monday, May 29, 2017

How to stop a number calling your Samsung Galaxy S2

We all do stupid things when were hot headed and say things we probably shouldnt in the heat of the moment. Theres always a time where we want to avoid a call from someone when we know their about to call. Thanks to one one of the features of the Samsung Galaxy S2 you can "black list" numbers to prevent them from calling you.

To add a number to your black list you need to open the contacts page such as Scotts
shown to the right here and then press on the menu button on the handset. This will open up a small menu at the bottom of the screen with 6 options. The option you need to select is more then "Add to black list" when the option comes up.

When youve added the black list you will see a little blue sign next to the persons number (as seen next to Scotts number in this picture). If Scott now tries to call my Samsung Galaxy S2 hell just hear a dial tone as if my phone was switched off! Now I can avoid the ginger virgin with ease.

 To remove a number from black list you can follow this method but click on "Remove from black list" when you previously clicked on "Add to blacklist".

Although you stop the calls coming through you DO NOT prevent the number from sending you texts.

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